Post Covid: Where do we go and how do we get there?
Thanks to the fantastic efforts of everybody involved in developing, approving and actually administering vaccines and our accumulated learnings since March 2020, we can start to dare to hope that the Pandemic is beginning to be got under control and our medium to long term planning will be of value as our roadmaps out of this develop more detail.
We do need to recognise however, that the disruption to employee and customer routines, to spending patterns and the role of the state together with existing trends around inclusiveness and the green agenda to name but a few, means that most enterprises will need to operate differently going forward, if they are to be successful.
Understanding the change of direction we need to take, then identifying the changes to our operating models and, just as importantly, being able to bring these to life, will create massive upside benefits and even competitive advantage for those that tackle this most effectively. This is one of the greatest opportunities that will come from all the disruption and uncertainty we have lived through over the last year.
First off, you need to identify where you want to be as an enterprise and why and by when and you, as a leadership team, are probably best placed to do this although the sessions to get this should be facilitated and the outputs together with any conditions and risks should be noted, agreed and referenced through your journey.
Next, you need to develop a plan with realistic timelines, resource requirements and the key dependencies. This needs to be adequately resourced, managed and to have traction to succeed it needs the oxygen of active senior sponsorship.
This may sound very straight forward but I have seen so many plans fail to deliver because these simple steps have not been followed.I have kept this short to encourage readership but If you want to discuss this blog please contact me at
You may have the resource you can redirect to successfully plan and deliver such change, which is great but you may require some short term external specialist support to complement your internal resources and my thoughts are:
Getting all this right is so crucial – it can be a game changer – so invest if you don’t have the resource internally to deliver this successfully.
If you do need to look outside, source experienced, competent and confident professionals who have a track record of pragmatism, clear sightedness and delivery in challenging circumstances because this will not be plain sailing!