Is your business ready for the "new normal"?
Are you trying to work out what the future direction is for your business and your operating model and how to get there?
Many businesses are currently needing to adapt to new ways of working - some required by government guidelines and restrictions; others by finding their own new ways of working due to the changes they've made to accommodate customer and workforce changing needs. How will you manage the necessary change to relocate your team back to their office, hotel, shop, factory etc. or will your model be something different and therefore what Governance, communication, occupational therapy, Human Resources structures are needed to run your business effectively and efficiently?
Will it be the same for everyone or does business now need to be more versatile? Can your business cope with a mix and match approach - different ways of serving customers, different ways of selling products and different employee needs? How will you assess this, act on your findings and implement the changes needed? Do you have the resources to do this? How will your business model evolve? What is needed to ensure success as the market comes back to life and we move to a new normal?
For some businesses it's clear what the way forward looks like and it can be clearly mapped out. However, the communication and implementation may be a challenge. How many are involved and how many are affected? How will you ensure you bring your teams with you in a motivated and seamless way
We have a proven track record of designing new ways of working. Our team of experienced Associates have successfully planned and delivered change many times, and that enables us to be very efficient from the start point of a project. Ultimately, leading to timelines for delivery of change that are shorter and more effective, meaning that you see the benefits faster.
Other businesses may be wondering what the future looks like and what do employees need - how can they find out? Will they return to a specific workplace or can they be effective with employees working from home. How will productivity be affected? Can money be saved by a change to the work location; with less overheads, travel and expense? How do you manage the supply chain, manage the team’s home facilities, dispose of unwanted property or convert into something new?
We have experience from many aspects of relocation planning and from our CVA work, the change impact on the whole operating model of people/process/system. We understand the importance of managing large scale change and how it involves programme management of a number of disciplines, HR, Finance, Operations, Purchasing, Marketing, Property, Facilities, etc. We have an Associate team to cover every discipline and importantly Programme Managers to coordinate them in delivery of the overall company objective.
Over the past 15 years we at Mobius Services Limited have assembled a team of experience; a team with their own stories; a team of disciplined executives from a variety of backgrounds, experience across many sectors and disciplines. YET they all have one thing in common and that is THAT THEY CAN…
Genuinely, we started in 2005 doing projects for ‘trusting friends’ using ‘trusted friends’ to do the work. We have since grown more friends from the good work we have done in a variety of companies across many sectors. If we didn’t actually deliver then we wouldn’t have any friends left…thankfully that’s not the case!
If you and your team are asking yourselves what next and how are we going to resource finding out, or how do we implement what we know we need to do then please do not hesitate to pick up the phone to Chris or John at Mobius Services Limited.