The challenge of a dwindling workforce.
One of the biggest challenges for employers, particularly in the service sectors, as we seem to be finally emerging from the Pandemic (at least in the UK) is the scarcity of workers.
There are numerous sources of data but at best the total labour force in the UK is unchanged from the beginning of 2020 and some sources suggest a reduction of around 1.3 million. In all likelihood this is driven by many workers returning to their home country as the pandemic took hold (just as my daughter returned from Australia) and feeling less welcome in the UK following our departure from the EU. It is probably a state of affairs that will be with us into the medium term.
Talking to our clients there are a number of ways this is being tackled. Many are looking at their hiring practices for example ensuring hiring decisions are made quickly, a trend away from zero hours contracts, effective inductions and reviewing benefits. They are also looking at how to improve colleague retention and getting to the bottom of incidences of high labour turnover. The other area is ensuring the existing workforce is used as effectively as possible by improving productivity. Some are introducing new technology, and some are looking at how they schedule labour.
We have found that many clients have labour scheduling software, but that this has never been used effectively. Much of their scheduling is done by site managers either on their own excel spreadsheets or based on their gut feel. This has led to a duplication of management effort and site specific scheduling rules. What is more, the level of hours used for similar jobs in different locations has no correlation with the perceived quality of service.
By working with clients to define the work tasks, agree effective metrics for performing these tasks, with any required variations in service built in, and training colleagues in how to use the software properly we have made significant differences in the amount of labour required. For front line workers these changes have also led to greater predictability in their work schedule, consistent notice of a more accurate weekly work schedule and more rewarding work. In summary, better productivity with benefits to colleagues which improve key issues that have been demotivators.
A bit of good news is that in our work in this area, we have found the software you may have already invested in, isn’t a problem. It is how you use it.
Drop me a line if you would like to discuss this further.