Opening doors to the bigger stores
When you possess the knowledge bank of how blue chip retail businesses operate and, more importantly, what they look from their suppliers, it can really open doors.
In fact, some of our consultants, with their in-depth, high level retail experience, can guide you through the whole process from product concept to checkout. During which you will gain an insight as to how a buyer in a large retailer thinks and acts when building a range architecture.
As part of the process, they will teach you:
How to build a critical path (everything from product set up to product launch and all key stages in-between);
Which series of buttons to press to get the buyer’s attention;
How to open a dialogue and build a rapport with the right category partners;
How to pitch your product;
Which mediums to use;
How to get the timing just right;
How to avoid potential pitfalls; and ultimately
How to get the sale.
Acquiring this knowledge and these invaluable skills from experienced consultants, like John Green, Anita Pearse or Jonathan Clark, who have all successfully brought directs and indirects to the shelves of Tesco, Sainsbury, the Co-operative et al, will pay dividends. For help in bringing your products to market, make sure you get to the front of the queue!